Hello again,
It's official! Spring is here and yesterday's showers brought in the month of May and the promise of flowers. The reading for this month is from the Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.
1) Notice the Signs: "Yes, the signs you've been receiving are heaven sent. We (the Angels) drop feathers, coins, and other signs upon your path to remind you that you're loved and never alone."
When you begin living in a more aware state, or a more ascended state, you will begin to take notice of signs all around you. They can be finding a coin or a feather where there should be none, or hearing the same song over and over, or seeing numbers in triplicate like 555 or 222 on the clock, on a page number or within an account number. These are called Angel Numbers and each digit offers words of encouragement (see the bottom of this post for an abbreviated list - more information can be found searching online for Doreen Virtue Angel Numbers). We can ask our Angels to show us a sign as an answer to any question we may pose. It's up to us to be aware of our surroundings - of what we see and hear.
2) Change in Direction: "The changes you're experiencing are Divinely directed by your newborn willingness to open your heart to love and our (the Angels) guidance. You are protected now and in the future, so follow your path to the happy outcomes you desire."
We are all protected by our Guardian Angels and can call in our Archangels at any time for guidance. We truly are never alone. Once we begin to react to life's experiences heart-first, not mind-first, a whole new world opens up to us, revealing alternate paths through life we never imagined before. If we focus on living in joy and becoming the "light" for others, we will indeed create what we desire.
3) Giving and Receiving: "The entire universe operates in cycles similar to your inhalations and exhalations. When you only exhale (give) or only inhale (receive), you become out of rhythm with the universe. For optimal health, energy and replenishment, balance each inhalation with an exhalation."
Like the ebb and flow of the ocean, so goes the universe. On our life paths, we meet with resistance and then experience a spell of forward movement when everything falls into place. If we only give, or only receive, we are breaking up the natural flow of things. So it's important that when you get, give. When you learn, teach. If you benefit from an unexpected good fortune, do something to pay it forward.
In Summary: When we begin to think with our hearts first, and not our ego-driven minds, our lives take new directions that will lead us to kinder reactions and better solutions to life's problems. Leading with our open hearts will cause our inner lights to shine and affect those around us in good, positive ways. We may feel we are doing this alone, but we aren't - the Angels are leaving us signs to let us know they are all around us, wanting us to call upon them for heavenly assistance. Historically, the month of May is beautiful, as Mother Earth offers us rebirth and rejeuvenation. Don't let this month go by without stopping to "smell the flowers" and enjoy the wonders each new day brings. Look around for signs. Slow down and listen for Angel messages. Ask the Angels for their loving assistance and don't forget to say "Thank You". Give and receive; receive then give. It's a circle that makes the world go 'round.
Thank you for reading, Linda
Angel Numbers - Triple digits can be found everywhere - on license plates, on clocks, in telephone numbers, etc. You'll be surprised when you start to look around! Once I had to choose between two unknown contractors. I wrote down their phone numbers to call each one, but just called the one who's number ended in 7777! Decision easily made and the work was well done.
000 - A message of love from the creative source of the Universe (or God) who is also in you
111 - Monitor your thoughts to only think of your desires, not your fears (of positives, not negatives)
222 - Never give up hope - don't lose faith the last minute before the miracle
333 - Ascended Masters are assisting with your situations, if asked (Mother Mary, Jesus, Buddha, etc.)
444 - Angels are assisting you now, if asked
555 - Positive changes are coming your way
666 - Release your fears and live in balance (giving and receiving)
777 - You're on the right path
888 - Abundance is coming now
999 - Get to work on your life's purpose
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