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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Monthly Reading for July 2012

Hello and Happy Summer!

  Today is July 1st and it's hard to believe this year is half over.  Time used to drag when I was very young, and now it's speeding by as I approach my 65th birthday in August.  I have decided to change my reading for this month to only one card from the Doreen Virtue Goddess Guidance deck.

  The Goddesses named in this 44 card deck are from global religions and mythology which include Roman, Norse, Brazilian, Celtic, Greek, Egyptian, Hindu, Babylonian, Mayan, Hopi, Christian, Inuit, Teutonic, Hawaiian, Welsh and West African.

  Doreen says, "By working with the Goddessess, you heal and empower your own inner feminine wisdom, which is within every woman and man."  Working with a Goddess will help awaken your intuition and clear and open your Heart Chakra for stronger manifestation abilities.   Expanding and focusing on your feminine power will help heal Mother Earth and create more balance in the world.

  Before pulling this card, I asked the question, "Who do I most need to work with this coming month to resolve any imbalance I may have?"  The card I pulled was . . .

  LAKSHMI, "Bright Future " and the text reads, "Stop worrying.  Everything is going to be fine."

  Lakshmi is a benevolent Hindu Goddess who brings abundance in all things.  The colorful picture on the card shows her in regal Indian dress and adornments with the Ghanges River in the background, where two elephants are pouring water from urns in their upraised trunks.  In Feng Shui, water has always been a sign of abundance, especially waterfalls.  I have a poster of Niagra Falls near my front door to attract and welcome abundance into my life.

  Her message is one of postive thinking and using it to trust the abundant Universe to meet all your needs.  Last April, my reading focused on worrying and all the negativity it brings.  This Goddess says that the Universe is kind and worrying just projects fear into your future, creating obstacles on your path.  So keep a good thought, don't worry about the future so you can more enjoy today.  A simple, yet profound message.

  So for the month of July, I will look at this card when I start my day and remember that "everything is going to be fine."  I hope you will do the same.  Let's take a vacation from worry and stress and really enjoy the Summer of 2012!

Thanks for reading, Linda

NOTE:  I think I've finally fixed my COMMENT section, so for those unable to leave a comment in the past, please try again because I'd really love to hear from you.  Linda