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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Angel Card Reading for August 2012

Hello, and welcome back to my blog!

First of all, let me say "Happy Birthday To Me"!  This is the month I celebrate my 65th birthday and just typing that number is mind-blowing to me.  When I was very young, I couldn't imagine what life would be like at this age, and even now, when I'm living it, I can't believe my body is 65 when my mind feels so much younger.  I am living in gratitude everyday, cutting down on complaining to the Universe, letting go of 24/7 control of all aspects of my existence, and just learning to "be" - it's much less exhausting and most days I enjoy it.  I'm grateful that I have lived this long when some peers from high school and college and some close friends have not.  I keep them in my heart so they can share in my experiences.

Anyway, I've decided to celebrate my birthday month with another reading from the Doreen Virtue Goddess Deck.  Last month, the Goddess Lakshimi told us to "Stop worrying.  Everything is going to be fine," and take the month off, so I hope everyone had a restful July.  I stopped worrying so much that I became bored and started to complain about it!  That let me know just how much of my time was spent trying to control, change, steer, resist, etc., elements of my life.

This month's Card is Mawu, Mother Earth - "You are called upon to help with environmentalism.  'MAH-woo' is the West African Moon Goddess who's believed to have created all life, with her husband the sun god Liza."

What a gorgeous image on this card.  We see the Goddess Mawu dressed in African garb and headress with long dangle earrings and a collar necklace.  In her right hand, she holds the beautiful blue, white, brown and green planet Earth.  The predominant colors are shades of brown, black, white and blue - it's truly a beautiful and peaceful image.

Mawu's message reads, "There's no greater cause today than giving back to your mother and rekindling a friendship with the soil, air and water.  The earth is not the lifeforce for material life, and there's no sense in continuing a downward spiral of dirtying the planet with further pollution.  Your contriubtion is necessary, no matter how small.  You make a huge difference in this planet's welfare through small and simple changes in how you operate.  It's worth it, believe me, and I will help you accomplish this goal in all ways."

Summary:  WOW!  This is so amazing that I drew this card because on Sunday I heard an author say, "The human race is the only species on this planet that knowingly destroys its environment."  When you think about that, it seems so illogical, but it's true.  So I think Mawu's reminder to nuture our planet a timely and important one. 

August is the month to reconnect with nature and to truly re-examine how you process your environmental footprint.  Do you recyle in any way?  Do you  litter or try to clean up litter in your community?  What example are you setting for your children concerning how you treat our planet?  If you garden, are you thanking the nature spirits (or fairies) for helping your flowers or vegetables to grow?  Spending time in nature is an important way to reconnect with its beauties and replenish your energy.    So this month, continue to enjoy the summer and all it brings, but do something to "give back" to Mother Earth and make the Goddess Mawu happy!

NOTE:  According to modern interpretation, August will experience two full moons - the first on the 2nd and the proverbial "blue moon" on the 31st.  Since Mawu is known as a Moon Goddess, pulling this card seems very appropriate!  You may wish to take advantage of both these occasions and look directly at the full moon, take a deep breath, and release any fears and worries that are weighing you down.  Should you prefer the older Farmer's Almanac interpretation of a "blue moon" being the 3rd full moon in a season of 4 full moons, the next one will occur on August 21, 2013!