Good morning! It's April 1st and Palm Sunday!
This month's reading comes from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Michael Oracle Card Deck. Archangel Michael is the Protector, the Warrior, the Angel that cast Satan out of Heaven, and the Patron Angel of Police. He carries a sword and shield that he uses for battle and protection and is associated with the color violet. We can call on him whenever we feel scared, fearful, and when we need strength and support. I've chosen, at random, three Cards for the coming month . . . let's see what they tell us.
This situation is already resolved - "I give any worries, cares and concerns to you (Archangel Michael) in exchange for true peace in all ways. Thank you for resolving this situation in a Divinely perfect way."
We, as humans, spend so much time worrying and trying to control so many situations. This Card is telling us that the Angels have already resolved these events and that we should let go of worry and just let events unfold in their own time. This doesn't mean just walking away from all responsibility - we still need to play our parts. It just means to stop wasting our mental and emotional energies on worry, as it is a low, negative energy that depletes us and lowers our vibrations. Step back, relax and cut the ethereal cords to situations and people involved. Be more present in the moment, rather than worrying about future events that we cannot control.
Go forward fearlessly - "Thank you (Archangel Michael) for walking with me every step of the way, for holding my hand, giving me confidence and courage, and guiding my thoughts and actions in the direction of love and my true life's purpose."
We've heard the quote, "With God, anything is possible." Asking for our Angels' assistance and truly believing in Divine help can create those possibilities for us. Whenever we're feeling unsure or not knowing which path to take, our Angels, when asked, can gently push us in the right direction by way of messages, signs and dreams. They can also place key people in our paths that can help us get to where we want to be. So don't be afraid of setting high goals - they are possible to attain!
Your children are watched over by Angels - "Dear Guardian Angels of my children (born and unborn). thank you for watching over my children and ensuring their happiness and safety. Please guide me so that I know the best ways to be a good parent and role model for my own and other people's children."
Again, worrying is a waste of energy. I don't mean concern; I mean filling your mind with the worst possible scenarios and playing them out over and over. Why would we want to fill our heads with those terrible and negative thoughts? The Universe is better off without them, and the more we think them, the better chance that they will come true. Since protecting our children can be a great source of worry, this Card is telling us that we aren't the only ones protecting them - their Guardian Angels are there for a reason, and if we ask them, they will work in concert with us to better parent and protect children everywhere.
Summary - It seems these three Cards have a common thread - worry. Perhaps April is the month for us to take a deep breath, step back from all active situations, and allow our Angels to take care of the outcomes. We still need to do what we think is right, but we can choose to let go of the fear and worry and the negative energy they create and send out into the Universe. Whenever worry comes into our minds, we need to recognize it and immediately replace the thought with feelings of gratitude for what we have and for those we love. Once we begin to do this, our energy becomes more positive, and positivity leads to higher vibrations that carry us closer to the Angelic Realm. Let's have a grateful April, with no worries.
Angel Blessings,