Hello again!
From the moment I picked up my Doreen Virtue Angel Therapy Oracle Cards tonight, I anticipated a high energy reading - a reading that was all about forward movement, as we enter the Summer this month. Here are the three cards I chose:
1) If You Get Nervous, Focus On Service - "Put your entire intention on answering the question, 'How can I make the world a better place?' and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs."
Our lives are so busy with family issues, work schedules, and trying to organize and control all aspects of our lives. It's sometimes exhausting! With so much going on, our emotions can become tied up in knots, worrying and anticipating the worst of many situations. Our egos have a field day playing mind games with ourselves by asking questions that all contain the word "I". How am I going to afford that? What if I can't handle that? When am I going to have the time do that? It can go on and on, and with each question and worry, our energy is depleted a little more.
So how can we turn this situation around? With the support of our Angels, we can begin by turning our attention outward instead of focusing on ouselves. Putting the needs of others first can change our perspective immediately. It can start small, by just observing who's around us that could use a silent smile. Once we decide to put our energy into helping others, the Law of Attraction will be sure to give us the energy and resources we need to continue our lives successfully.
2) Manifestation Power - "Use your spiritual gifts and natural abilities to attract your desired outcome".
We all have the power to make things happen. Our words and our actions combine to form our futures. When we waste precious time and energy complaining and putting our negative energies into the Universe, it depletes us, and through the Law of Attraction, the same will return to us, giving us more of what we complained about. When we ask Archangel Jophiel, the Angel of Beauty, to beautify our thoughts, we can imagine the very best our lives can be. We must act as if we already have our utmost desires and not worry about the "how" of it all. The Universe can figure all that out in ways that we may never dream of.
3) Cut Your Cords - "Ask Archangel Michael to clear any old attachments to fear that stem from past relationships, freeing you from destructive patterns."
We are connected to people, places and things by imaginary cords of attachment that drain our energy. Confrontations, "high drama" people and situations hold onto us, just like the sticky web of a spider. After emotionally draining conversations and tense situations, we must close our eyes and ask Archangel Michael, the Protector, to use his mighty sword and cut our cords of attachment to those people, places or things, so our energy will not continue to be pulled from us. Even people we love can be a constant drain on our personal energy levels and it's important to stop this. Cutting cords to these people does not damage the love, it just stops the drain and allows us to step back and view the situation more objectively. This is a good thing to do after spending time in crowds with strangers, after arguements, after being with emotionally anxious friends or family members, after crazy work days, etc.
In Summary - My interpretation of these Cards is one of empowerment. This coming month is the time to stop focusing on ourselves and open our eyes to what's going on around us. With the help of our Angels, how can we make our world a better place? Just by doing the smallest thing, like a smile, we can make someone's day a little brighter. Once we begin to do this, we can manifest so much more goodness, with the help of the Universe. To move forward demands personal energy and by cutting the cords to people and situations that deplete our energy, we are empowered to do even more good. My Angels tell me the month of June will be a month of progress on projects that have been put off or delayed, and a time to recognize those who may be holding us back. Have the courage to make changes and be responsible for maintaining a good energy balance. Look to the Universe - we are a part of it and it's wants to give us what we desire.
Thanks for reading; until next month, Linda