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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oprah is a Lightworker!

Hello again,

   I started watching the Oprah Show at the beginning of her last season on TV.  Some topics fascinated me and some I had no interest in and did not watch.  But toward the end of the season, she began speaking more from her heart than I had ever heard her speak.  She focused on topics like forgiveness, shame and compassion, to name a few.  Now, she is the owner of her own TV network (OWN) and is running a show called "Oprah's Lifeclass", which anyone can view on TV and on-line.  You can sign up on-line and right now over 1.1 million people are taking part in this interactive class.

   She's only 1 and 1/2 weeks into this new 6 week class and has beautifully covered topics such as anger, beauty, secrets and shame, joy, and responsibility to name a few.  During the show she uses clips from her 25 years on the air as examples of the topics and often does follow-ups on the people involved in the clips.  It is fascinating!  She reveals so much of her personal experiences and mistakes from her youth and her career that, many times, she wells up with tears as her voice cracks with emotion.  Needless to say, at these times my eyes get a bit teary too.

   As you know, I am an Angel Healing Practitioner and a Lightworker.  A Lightworker is a compassionate person who, by living their best soul life, helps others rise to do the same, thereby making the world a more loving and peaceful place.  I believe Oprah is a Lightworker too.  I know some people love her and some feel the opposite, but no one can dispute that she made TV history when she decided not to give controversial and hateful people a platform on her show to spread their negativity.  Oprah wanted to focus on doing good, spreading joy, helping those who needed it, and bringing her viewers to a place of self realization so they could live a better life.  She created the "Angel Network" which helped thousands of people in need.  She frequently offered her viewers challenges to go out and make a difference, and ordinary people were moved to do just that.  One challenge I loved was when she gave $1,000 to a few people and they found creative ways to make it grow into many thousands and to pay it forward.

   I also want to mention her "Master's Class" and "Visionaries" shows that are so thought provoking and tell wonderful life stories, such as Maya Angelou's and Tyler Perry's.  This is reality TV worth watching, in my opinion, and I heartily recommend these shows. It is truly amazing to see what events needed to occur in order for these people to arrive at their callings and place of celebrity - it's better than fiction!

   In summary, I'd like you to take a look at any one of the shows I've mentioned and see if it sparks a "light" inside of you.  You don't need to study for years or pay lots of money to become a Lightworker.  All you need is the desire to lead your best life and respond to those in need, either one-on-one or many at a time.  Oprah says the common thread binding people together is the need to be "seen" and told that "they matter".  Just a casual smile and eye contact with a stranger or someone you love can accomplish that.  I try to remember this every day because, as Oprah says, "when you know better, you do better".

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