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Monday, December 3, 2012

December 2012 - Is This Really The End?

Hello, my friends,

   It's December of 2012 and we're quickly approaching the end of another year.  Unfortunately, this year has been overshadowed by the Mayan Calendar prediction of the end of days.  Even if you don't believe a word of it, this constant input of the worst kind of news has had to have affected all of us in some way.  Perhaps you were the person who used the year to put your affairs in order, let the people you love know it, and appreciated life each and every day.  Or maybe the fear of "the end" depressed you, put you in a bad mood that lasted for months and made you feel alone and frightened.  Well, SNAP OUT OF IT!  HA HA

   It's not going to happen!  Life is good and you are here, right now, alive and living it!  As we travel into the festive month of December, we need to embrace the coming Holidays, enjoy the hustle and bustle, appreciate the excitement of children, and make the most of seeing friends and family who visit.  If you plan to travel for the Holidays, have patience in lines, talk to those around you and focus on where you are at the moment, not just on your destination.  Make this the year that you really enJOY looking back on all the good things of 2012, and look forward to the unlimited possibilities of the New Year!

   I started this Blog in August of last year and here is a paragraph from that first post:

    2012 . . . is coming fast!  The world has had so many natural disasters that one can't deny "something" is changing in, on and around Mother Earth.  Personally, I've had lots of ups and downs that are unusual for me, and talk about's all I want to do!  I have the energy to function, but there's no extra perkiness or desire to do things, go places and be social.  I'm hoping that changes for me soon.  I don't believe the world will end in 2012, but I do think we'll have to endure more unpleasant events during the rest of this year and I'm not looking forward to it.  Each time I hear about an earthquake, tsunami, flood, I sink deeper into a personal sadness, as I'm sure do many others.

   I can see that I was correct in predicting more natural disasters this year ("Frankenstorm" Hurricane Sandy immediately comes to mind).  All year, Mother Earth has truly made her power known to us and reminded us who's boss!  As before, I still notice my energy is not what it used to be and I feel emotionally vulnerable lately.  This week, one of my upstairs neighbor told me her dog of 16 years had passed away in November and I had to keep from breaking into sobs right there in the stairwell!  But still, I am very much planning to focus on the happiness of the Season and the good things in life, and that is my wish for you also.

   I'd like to thank anyone and everyone who took the time to read my monthly offerings and I'm so very impressed by the list of countries from which they hail - United States, Russia, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Australia, Latvia, Netherlands, Ukraine, Trinidad and Tobago!  That is so very awesome!!!

   I wish everyone of you a lifetime of happiness, health and abundance in all of its many forms.  Remember, the Angels are with you so you are never alone, and the Universe will give you all you need - just keep asking for and imagining what you want in positive ways.

   Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa (and all other Holidays celebrated at this time) plus Best wishes for a terrific New Year!!!

Love to all, Linda

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Month of November 2012


  Today is the first day of November and I can't believe how quickly October flew by!  Time seems somewhat accelerated these days as we approach the end of 2012.  Hurricane Sandy just passed through the East Coast and I was spared all damage and inconvenience, and for that I'm truly grateful.  The coastline of my state, Rhode Island, was not, and many people have lost so many things dear to them.  I ask my Angels everyday to be with them and assist in their troubles.

  This month I'm going to do something different because I was not drawn to do a traditional Oracle Card Reading as I have in the past.  Today I'm going to share with you some thoughts from a TV show with Iyanla Van Zant - quotes from her that have really made an impact on me as I find myself reading them over and over (something I don't usually do).  Iyanla Van Zant is a spiritual teacher and frequently appears on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN).  She has her own show that I'm not too fond of, as it's very confrontational, and sometimes her methods seem too harsh for me.  I enjoy when she just speaks about her own experiences and the lessons she's learned the hard way.

  I offer these direct quotes from a show aired on September 9th of this year where she and Oprah just sat and talked about so many things.  I'd like you to read them and re-read them a few times during the month and see how they resonate with you - if you agree with them, if you don't, if they are the words that speak to your soul and motivate you to open your heart more to your fellow humans, or if they help you to better understand and appreciate yourself.  Please drop me a line if you'd like to share any thoughts, as I'd love to hear from you.  Here we go!

"The soul is the fingerprint of God that becomes the physical body - it's unique to everybody - unique in its own development and expression, but filled with the divinity that is the essence of all that is."  Iyanla clarified "all that is" as meaning everything on the planet.  I think this is a beautiful and logical way to explain how and why we humans are all so different, yet all alike.  It reminds us that we are spiritual beings living a physical existence on Earth - the opposite of what most people would believe.  It's important to remember we are all small chunks of God, or the creative Source of the Universe (if God is not your accepted word).

"When looking at darkness (at evil), it's the manifestation of the need for God."  This was her explanation of why bad things may happen in the world.  She reminded us that bad things happen to good people all the time, and naturally people ask "Why?"

"The sheep know the voice of the Shepard."  I love this one!  No one can tell you what you feel in your soul is wrong.  We all know right and wrong instinctively, and when you act on a true feeling that takes you to a higher path, don't let anyone talk you out of it.  Your inner voice is the truth - it's God's voice - trust and believe it.

"Religion is the rules, regulations, ceremonies and rituals developed by man to create conformity and uniformity in the approach to god.  Spirituality is the call of God in your soul."  This is an excellent explanation of the difference between Religion and Spirituality.  I have believed this about Religion since I was in my teens.  I knew then that God was in everyone and that you didn't have to be sitting in a Church to converse with Him.  I would constantly question my Catholic faith and was at a loss to understand the how and why of what they preached and practiced.  I always saw it as a way to control the masses and still do to this day.  However, some people find comfort in the rituals and the clergy and I'm happy for them.  Whatever works for you is OK with me.

  Well, there you have it.  These quotes have made an impression on me and now that I've shared them, I feel good!  Please enjoy this month, which is all about being thankful for what you have and what you can share with your fellow humans.  Your children, family, friends and co-workers will see you as a good role model, be drawn to your "inner light", examine their own behavior and hopefully pay it forward.

  November 11th is Veterans Day and since I grew up in the military, I'd like to thank all those who serve and have served my country.  My Father was a 30 year Air Force Veteran who's amazing life allowed me to live abroad and travel for many years.  He always took the opportunity of living in a foreign country to educate me on how lucky I was to have the life I did, and for that I'm thankful.  I would also like to thank those who teach and taught in military schools as their influences helped make our school days seem like "home" even when we were thousands of miles away from it.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 2012 Oracle Card Reading - Animal Medicine

  Hello again and thank you for returning to my blog to see what's in store for this month of October.  This is my favorite month because of the crisp Fall weather (here in New England) plus I have always loved Halloween because it's an opportunity to dress up and be something other than yourself!

  This month, I've chosen to use my Power Animal Oracle Cards by Stephen Farmer, Ph.D. (who happens to be a former spouse of the famous Doreen Virtue, Angelologist).  This deck allows you to choose an animal and employ its symbolic attributes towards healing yourself, another person, or even a situation.  Included in this deck are mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, marsupials, insects - just about any animal you can think of, and that is why I find it astonishing that I chose three BIRDS!

  Here are the cards in the order they were chosen:  Eagle, Raven and Owl.

1)  EAGLE (Spirit):  "Trust in your higher self" - The Eagle is a powerful predatory bird that symbolizes courage and masculinity.  The term "Eagle Eye" is used relating to superior vision, however, in this instance, vision is not used in the literal sense, but pertains to the future.  Your higher self is your divine self, the self that knows right from wrong, the self that takes the higher road, the self we strive to be all the time.  Many people fight their way through self-doubt and choose not to embrace their higher selves because they don't believe their inner voices.  We must all learn to TRUST the feelings our higher selves are telling us, even when those feelings are not popular with family or friends.  Our higher selves know what's right and true for us and constantly give us messages, but many times these messages go unheard, ignored or rationalized away by our egos.  It's not easy to always trust what we feel, but it does get easier in time.  By closing our eyes and picturing an Eagle freely flying above can empower us to stay on our paths, to believe we know best what's right for us, to "step up" and take the high road on our life's journey.

2)  RAVEN (Magic):  "Own your power" - In literature, the Raven has been symbolized as a bad omen.  In animal medicine, the Raven is associated with prophecy, clairvoyant visions, mystery and exploring the unknown.  To venture into any of those areas, it takes courage - the courage we get from owning our own power!  Yes, we are all powerful beings and if everyone tapped into that personal power on a 24/7 basis, this world could see some big improvements for the betterment of all!  If we live feeling victimized, our energies stay at a low level, and our aura allows people to see and feel us as sad and hopeless beings.  Sometimes we aren't even aware we've given away our power to difficult or draining people or situations.  Take time to examine relationships and find out why this has happened and make plans to change the balance of power.  Owning your power is not a bad thing, a bully thing, or a selfish thing.  It's an effort to heal your life by taking charge of decisions and situations.  Cut the cords to people, places and things that drain us and replenish personal energies through joy, nature, good deeds, love and compassion.  Let's keep our Solar Plexus Chakras in good health and balance just by being aware of them and that it's safe to nuture them.

3)  OWL (Omens):  "Pay attention to signs" - Most people associate an Owl with wisdom, and that is true.  However, insight and psychic vision also symbolize this bird.  Signs come in all forms - feathers, coins, Angel numbers, repetitive topics of discussion or songs, etc.  These are external messages for us to heed as reminders or validations of what we already know, but may not be trusting.  Oh, how our egos love to over-analyze signs through logic or disbelief!  We can ask for signs to validate our decisions; they may not come right away, but they will come.  The Owl is also known for the "who" sound it makes.  Perhaps that's a sign we should take to heart and ask ourselves "who" are the people who support us and lift us up, and make plans to spend more time with them.  On the other hand, we may also ask "who" are the ones that drain us and drag us down into their dramas, and make plans to cut our cords of attachment and spend less time with them.  Positive and negative feelings are also signs we need to recognize when we interact with people we meet.

  In summary, this month's reading seems to be telling us to Trust, Take Back Our Power and Believe.  These are three things that are integral to living a happier and emotionally healthier life.  I had to laugh when I pulled these cards because I am not a lover of birds and that is something I say quite frequently.  I need to examine just why that is and stop saying it.  I know, for me, Alfred Hitchcock's THE BIRDS movie and the chaotic noise birds make have something to do with it.  On the other hand, birds are a symbol of freedom and flight, and specific species like the Eagle, Raven and Owl represent important aspects of spiritual life.  I am going to take this month to step into my higher self and view them in a new light, thereby healing myself and letting go of those negative impressions that have been with me for most of my life.

I hope you enjoy this month and make an effort to spend more time with your higher self.  Happy Halloween!

P.S.  As always, I encourage you to search the internet to find out more information on any topic or phrase I mention that interests you (for example, Angel Numbers, animal medicine) or through the Comment Section, to ask a question that I will try my best to answer.  Thank you so much for being a part of my blog!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Angel Card Reading for Month of September 2012

Hello everyone,

September is upon us once again - the end of Summer, the start of school, the approach of Fall - all these things ramping up the activity of life.  I love the Fall and always look forward to crisp, cool days when the leaves are the most beautiful colors.  I wonder why I feel most alive when Mother Nature is shedding her foliage and getting ready to curl up for the winter.  Hmmmmmmmm.

This month I've pulled 3 cards from the Angel Therapy Oracle Card Deck by Doreen Virtue.  When I saw what they were, I laughed because I could immediately relate to each one of them due to recent events in my life.  So here they are and let's see what they predict for September.

1) Power Animal - Your animal spirit guide is a guardian to you and is helping you with this situation.

Anyone who has ever loved a pet, or who loves animals in general, will understand the importance of respecting their life forces and their amazing ability to communicate without words.  This card is asking us to work with animals, alive and in spirit.  Once a beloved pet passes on, we have to go on living without their physical prescence, which is hard.  However, they are still around us in spirit and can afford us the same level of comfort as they did before.  Animal spirits are powerful medicine and they serve as spirit guides to us.  You can find your animal spirit by sitting outside, breathing deeply, relaxing and waiting for a visual image of an animal to pop into your head.  You may be surprised what animal it is.  Just because you're a dog lover doesn't mean the dog is your spirit guide.  Each animal has its own "medicine" or healing power.  You can call upon them to help you through a difficult situation and heal all those involved.  Stephen Farmer, Ph.D., has an oracle card deck called "Power Animal", should you be interested in studying this further.

2) Third-Eye Chakra -  It is safe for you to see the energy of love in all of its forms, such as angels, auras and visions.

Your Third-Eye Chakra is located right between your eyebrows.  This is the "eye" that is turned inward - the spiritual eye.  Through meditation, you can begin to open this eye more and be able to "see" colors and visions.  Clearing all your Chakras frequently is the best way to allow your Third-Eye to work to its optimum.

3) Vegetarian / Vegan -  Fresh organic fruits and vegetables give you a boost of high life-force energy, which elevates your spiritual frequency.

Of course the fresher food is, the more life force or high vibration it has.  This card is asking us to honor our bodies and eat fresh foods and beverages that have no additives or chemicals.  This fresher food enhances psychic clarity and sensitivity and is a healthier choice.  Some people will eat a completely vegan diet with no meat, chicken, fish or eggs, but most of us are not that strict.  As much as I love vegetarian dishes, once in awhile I seriously crave a cheeseburger!

Summary - I think the Angels are directing us to do specific things in September.  They want us to focus not only on our human species this month, but take time to consider the other species with whom we share this planet.  If you have a pet, attempt some non-verbal communication as you sit with them, relaxed and hands-on.  See if you can feel their energy and be aware of images that run through your mind and share your experience with your family or a friend.

Also take time to sit with yourself in a quiet way to focus on your Third-Eye Chakra and any colors or visions you may "see".  This will enhance your clairvoyance and allow you to strengthen your psychic skills.  And finally, watch what you eat!  Be aware of what's going into your body in the form of additives and chemicals, especially in prepared foods and alcohol.  The Angels want us to clean up our acts and bring our bodies and minds to a clearer state so we can better see and hear their messages.  If we choose to do these things this month, by October we will have raised our vibrations to be a little closer to the divine.  I hope you will join me in doing all or some of these things to feel better and more enjoy our lives.

Be kind to all,

P.S.  These cards spoke to me because two days ago I had a short vision of a horse while holding a crystal in my left hand!  Plus the fact that I've been on a diet since May!  I'd better take this reading to heart.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Angel Card Reading for August 2012

Hello, and welcome back to my blog!

First of all, let me say "Happy Birthday To Me"!  This is the month I celebrate my 65th birthday and just typing that number is mind-blowing to me.  When I was very young, I couldn't imagine what life would be like at this age, and even now, when I'm living it, I can't believe my body is 65 when my mind feels so much younger.  I am living in gratitude everyday, cutting down on complaining to the Universe, letting go of 24/7 control of all aspects of my existence, and just learning to "be" - it's much less exhausting and most days I enjoy it.  I'm grateful that I have lived this long when some peers from high school and college and some close friends have not.  I keep them in my heart so they can share in my experiences.

Anyway, I've decided to celebrate my birthday month with another reading from the Doreen Virtue Goddess Deck.  Last month, the Goddess Lakshimi told us to "Stop worrying.  Everything is going to be fine," and take the month off, so I hope everyone had a restful July.  I stopped worrying so much that I became bored and started to complain about it!  That let me know just how much of my time was spent trying to control, change, steer, resist, etc., elements of my life.

This month's Card is Mawu, Mother Earth - "You are called upon to help with environmentalism.  'MAH-woo' is the West African Moon Goddess who's believed to have created all life, with her husband the sun god Liza."

What a gorgeous image on this card.  We see the Goddess Mawu dressed in African garb and headress with long dangle earrings and a collar necklace.  In her right hand, she holds the beautiful blue, white, brown and green planet Earth.  The predominant colors are shades of brown, black, white and blue - it's truly a beautiful and peaceful image.

Mawu's message reads, "There's no greater cause today than giving back to your mother and rekindling a friendship with the soil, air and water.  The earth is not the lifeforce for material life, and there's no sense in continuing a downward spiral of dirtying the planet with further pollution.  Your contriubtion is necessary, no matter how small.  You make a huge difference in this planet's welfare through small and simple changes in how you operate.  It's worth it, believe me, and I will help you accomplish this goal in all ways."

Summary:  WOW!  This is so amazing that I drew this card because on Sunday I heard an author say, "The human race is the only species on this planet that knowingly destroys its environment."  When you think about that, it seems so illogical, but it's true.  So I think Mawu's reminder to nuture our planet a timely and important one. 

August is the month to reconnect with nature and to truly re-examine how you process your environmental footprint.  Do you recyle in any way?  Do you  litter or try to clean up litter in your community?  What example are you setting for your children concerning how you treat our planet?  If you garden, are you thanking the nature spirits (or fairies) for helping your flowers or vegetables to grow?  Spending time in nature is an important way to reconnect with its beauties and replenish your energy.    So this month, continue to enjoy the summer and all it brings, but do something to "give back" to Mother Earth and make the Goddess Mawu happy!

NOTE:  According to modern interpretation, August will experience two full moons - the first on the 2nd and the proverbial "blue moon" on the 31st.  Since Mawu is known as a Moon Goddess, pulling this card seems very appropriate!  You may wish to take advantage of both these occasions and look directly at the full moon, take a deep breath, and release any fears and worries that are weighing you down.  Should you prefer the older Farmer's Almanac interpretation of a "blue moon" being the 3rd full moon in a season of 4 full moons, the next one will occur on August 21, 2013!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Monthly Reading for July 2012

Hello and Happy Summer!

  Today is July 1st and it's hard to believe this year is half over.  Time used to drag when I was very young, and now it's speeding by as I approach my 65th birthday in August.  I have decided to change my reading for this month to only one card from the Doreen Virtue Goddess Guidance deck.

  The Goddesses named in this 44 card deck are from global religions and mythology which include Roman, Norse, Brazilian, Celtic, Greek, Egyptian, Hindu, Babylonian, Mayan, Hopi, Christian, Inuit, Teutonic, Hawaiian, Welsh and West African.

  Doreen says, "By working with the Goddessess, you heal and empower your own inner feminine wisdom, which is within every woman and man."  Working with a Goddess will help awaken your intuition and clear and open your Heart Chakra for stronger manifestation abilities.   Expanding and focusing on your feminine power will help heal Mother Earth and create more balance in the world.

  Before pulling this card, I asked the question, "Who do I most need to work with this coming month to resolve any imbalance I may have?"  The card I pulled was . . .

  LAKSHMI, "Bright Future " and the text reads, "Stop worrying.  Everything is going to be fine."

  Lakshmi is a benevolent Hindu Goddess who brings abundance in all things.  The colorful picture on the card shows her in regal Indian dress and adornments with the Ghanges River in the background, where two elephants are pouring water from urns in their upraised trunks.  In Feng Shui, water has always been a sign of abundance, especially waterfalls.  I have a poster of Niagra Falls near my front door to attract and welcome abundance into my life.

  Her message is one of postive thinking and using it to trust the abundant Universe to meet all your needs.  Last April, my reading focused on worrying and all the negativity it brings.  This Goddess says that the Universe is kind and worrying just projects fear into your future, creating obstacles on your path.  So keep a good thought, don't worry about the future so you can more enjoy today.  A simple, yet profound message.

  So for the month of July, I will look at this card when I start my day and remember that "everything is going to be fine."  I hope you will do the same.  Let's take a vacation from worry and stress and really enjoy the Summer of 2012!

Thanks for reading, Linda

NOTE:  I think I've finally fixed my COMMENT section, so for those unable to leave a comment in the past, please try again because I'd really love to hear from you.  Linda

Friday, June 1, 2012

Angel Card Reading for the Month of June 2012

Hello again!

From the moment I picked up my Doreen Virtue Angel Therapy Oracle Cards tonight, I anticipated a high energy reading - a reading that was all about forward movement, as we enter the Summer this month.  Here are the three cards I chose:

1) If You Get Nervous, Focus On Service -  "Put your entire intention on answering the question, 'How can I make the world a better place?' and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs."

Our lives are so busy with family issues, work schedules, and trying to organize and control all aspects of our lives.  It's sometimes exhausting!  With so much going on, our emotions can become tied up in knots, worrying and anticipating the worst of many situations.  Our egos have a field day playing mind games with ourselves by asking questions that all contain the word "I".  How am I going to afford that?  What if I can't handle that?  When am I going to have the time do that?   It can go on and on, and with each question and worry, our energy is depleted a little more.

So how can we turn this situation around?  With the support of our Angels, we can begin by turning our attention outward instead of focusing on ouselves.  Putting the needs of others first can change our perspective immediately.  It can start small, by just observing who's around us that could use a silent smile.  Once we decide to put our energy into helping others, the Law of Attraction will be sure to give us the energy and resources we need to continue our lives successfully.

2) Manifestation Power - "Use your spiritual gifts and natural abilities to attract your desired outcome".

We all have the power to make things happen.  Our words and our actions combine to form our futures.  When we waste precious time and energy complaining and putting our negative energies into the Universe, it depletes us, and through the Law of Attraction, the same will return to us, giving us more of what we complained about.  When we ask Archangel Jophiel, the Angel of Beauty, to beautify our thoughts, we can imagine the very best our lives can be.  We must act as if we already have our utmost desires and not worry about the "how" of it all.  The Universe can figure all that out in ways that we may never dream of.

3)  Cut Your Cords - "Ask Archangel Michael to clear any old attachments to fear that stem from past relationships, freeing you from destructive patterns."

We are connected to people, places and things by imaginary cords of attachment that drain our energy.  Confrontations, "high drama" people and situations hold onto us, just like the sticky web of a spider.  After emotionally draining conversations and tense situations, we must close our eyes and ask Archangel Michael, the Protector, to use his mighty sword and cut our cords of attachment to those people, places or things, so our energy will not continue to be pulled from us.  Even people we love can be a constant drain on our personal energy levels and it's important to stop this.  Cutting cords to these people does not damage the love, it just stops the drain and allows us to step back and view the situation more objectively.  This is a good thing to do after spending time in crowds with strangers, after arguements, after being with emotionally anxious friends or family members, after crazy work days, etc. 

In Summary - My interpretation of these Cards is one of empowerment.  This coming month is the time to stop focusing on ourselves and open our eyes to what's going on around us.  With the help of our Angels, how can we make our world a better place?  Just by doing the smallest thing, like a smile, we can make someone's day a little brighter.  Once we begin to do this, we can manifest so much more goodness, with the help of the Universe.  To move forward demands personal energy and by cutting the cords to people and situations that deplete our energy, we are empowered to do even more good.  My Angels tell me the month of June will be a month of progress on projects that have been put off or delayed, and a time to recognize those who may be holding us back.  Have the courage to make changes and be responsible for maintaining a good energy balance.  Look to the Universe - we are a part of it and it's wants to give us what we desire.

Thanks for reading; until next month, Linda

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Angel Card Reading for Month of May 2012

Hello again,

It's official!  Spring is here and yesterday's showers brought in the month of May and the promise of flowers.  The reading for this month is from the Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

1) Notice the Signs:  "Yes, the signs you've been receiving are heaven sent.  We (the Angels) drop feathers, coins, and other signs upon your path to remind you that you're loved and never alone."

When you begin living in a more aware state, or a more ascended state, you will begin to take notice of signs all around you.  They can be finding a coin or a feather where there should be none, or hearing the same song over and over, or seeing numbers in triplicate like 555 or 222 on the clock, on a page number or within an account number.  These are called Angel Numbers and each digit offers words of encouragement (see the bottom of this post for an abbreviated list - more information can be found searching online for Doreen Virtue Angel Numbers).  We can ask our Angels to show us a sign as an answer to any question we may pose.  It's up to us to be aware of our surroundings - of what we see and hear.

2) Change in Direction:  "The changes you're experiencing are Divinely directed by your newborn willingness to open your heart to love and our (the Angels) guidance.  You are protected now and in the future, so follow your path to the happy outcomes you desire."

We are all protected by our Guardian Angels and can call in our Archangels at any time for guidance.  We truly are never alone.  Once we begin to react to life's experiences heart-first, not mind-first, a whole new world opens up to us, revealing alternate paths through life we never imagined before.  If we focus on living in joy and becoming the "light" for others, we will indeed create what we desire.

3) Giving and Receiving:  "The entire universe operates in cycles similar to your inhalations and exhalations.  When you only exhale (give) or only inhale (receive), you become out of rhythm with the universe.  For optimal health, energy and replenishment, balance each inhalation with an exhalation."

Like the ebb and flow of the ocean, so goes the universe.  On our life paths, we meet with resistance and then experience a spell of forward movement when everything falls into place.  If we only give, or only receive, we are breaking up the natural flow of things.  So it's important that when you get, give.  When you learn, teach.  If you benefit from an unexpected good fortune, do something to pay it forward.

In Summary:  When we begin to think with our hearts first, and not our ego-driven minds, our lives take new directions that will lead us to kinder reactions and better solutions to life's problems.  Leading with our open hearts will cause our inner lights to shine and affect those around us in good, positive ways.  We may feel we are doing this alone, but we aren't - the Angels are leaving us signs to let us know they are all around us, wanting us to call upon them for heavenly assistance.  Historically, the month of May is beautiful, as Mother Earth offers us rebirth and rejeuvenation.  Don't let this month go by without stopping to "smell the flowers" and enjoy the wonders each new day brings.  Look around for signs.  Slow down and listen for Angel messages.  Ask the Angels for their loving assistance and don't forget to say "Thank You".   Give and receive; receive then give.  It's a circle that makes the world go 'round.

Thank you for reading, Linda

Angel Numbers -  Triple digits can be found everywhere - on license plates, on clocks, in telephone numbers, etc.  You'll be surprised when you start to look around!  Once I had to choose between two unknown contractors.  I wrote down their phone numbers to call each one, but just called the one who's number ended in 7777!  Decision easily made and the work was well done.

000 - A message of love from the creative source of the Universe (or God) who is also in you
111 - Monitor your thoughts to only think of your desires, not your fears (of positives, not negatives)
222 - Never give up hope - don't lose faith the last minute before the miracle
333 - Ascended Masters are assisting with your situations, if asked (Mother Mary, Jesus, Buddha, etc.)
444 - Angels are assisting you now, if asked
555 - Positive changes are coming your way
666 - Release your fears and live in balance (giving and receiving)
777 - You're on the right path
888 - Abundance is coming now
999 - Get to work on your life's purpose

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Angel Reading for Month of April 2012

Good morning!  It's April 1st and Palm Sunday!

This month's reading comes from Doreen Virtue's Archangel Michael Oracle Card Deck.  Archangel Michael is the Protector, the Warrior, the Angel that cast Satan out of Heaven, and the Patron Angel of Police.  He carries a sword and shield that he uses for battle and protection and is associated with the color violet.  We can call on him whenever we feel scared, fearful, and when we need strength and support.  I've chosen, at random, three Cards for the coming month . . . let's see what they tell us.

This situation is already resolved - "I give any worries, cares and concerns to you (Archangel Michael) in exchange for true peace in all ways.  Thank you for resolving this situation in a Divinely perfect way."

We, as humans, spend so much time worrying and trying to control so many situations.  This Card is telling us that the Angels have already resolved these events and that we should let go of worry and just let events unfold in their own time.  This doesn't mean just walking away from all responsibility - we still need to play our parts.  It just means to stop wasting our mental and emotional energies on worry, as it is a low, negative energy that depletes us and lowers our vibrations.  Step back, relax and cut the ethereal cords to situations and people involved.  Be more present in the moment, rather than worrying about future events that we cannot control.

Go forward fearlessly - "Thank you (Archangel Michael) for walking with me every step of the way, for holding my hand, giving me confidence and courage, and guiding my thoughts and actions in the direction of love and my true life's purpose."

We've heard the quote, "With God, anything is possible."  Asking for our Angels' assistance and truly believing in Divine help can create those possibilities for us.  Whenever we're feeling unsure or not knowing which path to take, our Angels, when asked, can gently push us in the right direction by way of messages, signs and dreams.  They can also place key people in our paths that can help us get to where we want to be.  So don't be afraid of setting high goals - they are possible to attain!

Your children are watched over by Angels - "Dear Guardian Angels of my children (born and unborn). thank you for watching over my children and ensuring their happiness and safety.  Please guide me so that I know the best ways to be a good parent and role model for my own and other people's children."

Again, worrying is a waste of energy.  I don't mean concern; I mean filling your mind with the worst possible scenarios and playing them out over and over.  Why would we want to fill our heads with those terrible and negative thoughts?  The Universe is better off without them, and the more we think them, the better chance that they will come true.  Since protecting our children can be a great source of worry, this Card is telling us that we aren't the only ones protecting them - their Guardian Angels are there for a reason, and if we ask them, they will work in concert with us to better parent and protect children everywhere.

Summary - It seems these three Cards have a common thread - worry.  Perhaps April is the month for us to take a deep breath, step back from all active situations, and allow our Angels to take care of the outcomes.  We still need to do what we think is right, but we can choose to let go of the fear and worry and the negative energy they create and send out into the Universe.  Whenever worry comes into our minds, we need to recognize it and immediately replace the thought with feelings of gratitude for what we have and for those we love.  Once we begin to do this, our energy becomes more positive, and positivity leads to higher vibrations that carry us closer to the Angelic Realm.  Let's have a grateful April, with no worries.

Angel Blessings,

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Angel Reading for Month of March 2012

Greetings on March 1st!

   I've been guided to do an Angel Oracle Card Reading the first day of each month and post it to my blog.  It will be an overview of what the Angels want us to focus on in the days ahead.  At the end of the month, it'll be interesting to look back and see the relevance of these three messages.   This month's Oracle Cards come from Doreen Virtue's Angel Therapy deck.

   1)  Listen To Your Intuitive Feelings:  "Your body is receiving accurate messages from the Divine."  We all have them - those "gut" feelings or voices in our heads letting us know something is a bit "off", or not right with a person or situation.  When we learn to fully recognize and pay attention to those feelings or intuitive messages, we will open our minds and move closer to our Angels.  Try not to "poo-poo" them away, but focus on them and ask questions - for example, 'why do I feel anxious when I'm around this person?", or "what is not as it seems in this situation?"

   2)  Law Of Attraction:  "Relationships and activities that you once enjoyed are now changing as you become more sensitive and aware of energies."  The Law of Attraction tells us the kind of energy we put out into the Universe is just what we will receive, or the more popular saying, "what goes around, comes around".  As we learn to live closer to our higher selves and incorporate daily assistance from the Angels, we may find our old relationships or friendships changing, or not bringing us as much joy as before.  Is this a bad thing?  I don't think so.  Change is constant and some people are meant to move out of our lives to make room for the like-minded people coming into our lives through the Law of Attraction.  Old behaviour patterns will also be affected as we monitor the kind of energy we spread, and new, more compassionate patterns will form.

   3)  Cut Your Cords:  "Ask Archangel Michael to clear any old attachments to fear that stem from past relationships, freeing you from destructive patterns."  Many times fear keeps us from doing what our intuitive feelings or our Angels urge us to do - what we know is right.  We are tethered by imaginary cords of attachment to people and things that drain us of good energy and allow negative energy to enter our bodies.  By picturing Archangel Michael cutting those cords with his mighty Sword, we are freed to replenish our energy and step back from the "drama" created by people and situations.

   Summary:  This Reading is asking us to examine all our relationships with people and attachments to places, jobs and things then ask ourselves, "is this bringing me joy?", "is the exchange of energy equal or lopsided?", "what lesson is this person, place, job or thing helping me learn?", etc.  If we are truly honest with ourselves and our intuitive feelings, we may feel a need to change some things in our lives - things that just aren't working out for us anymore.  Cutting the cords of attachment with Archangel Michael's assistance and putting only positive energy into the Universe are two more ways to live more joyful lives on a daily basis.  If we make this effort, by the end of the month of March, who knows who or what we will attract, and who or what will be gone.  Aligning ourselves with the natural ebb and flow of the Universe, as our intuitive feelings are telling us, will minimize resistance. 

Angel blessings to everyone!